We count it a great joy and privilege to partner with parents in teaching children at the earliest ages who God is and what the Gospel means. Our family discipleship plan is a tool to equip parents and our RLF Kids team as they work together to teach biblical theology and reinforce the same truths each week at church and at home. This plan includes weekly lessons taught on Sunday mornings during RLF Kids paired with practical take home guides for parents that include exercises and discussion questions for your family. It is our hope that these guides will be a helpful resource in equipping you through the everyday triumphs and trials of parenthood as you are raising practical missionaries in your own home. (Matt. 28:20, Gal. 4:19)
Sunday Schedule
9:00-10:00 am RLF Kids (parents group meets in the resource room at this time)
10:00 am Corporate Worship (kids age 5 & up included, nursery is offered for newborn-age 4)
Using this guide, Sermon Notes For Kids, parents can encourage their children to follow along in the service and discuss what they are hearing and learning at home.